Thursday 1 August 2019

Native bird of New Zealand


  1. Kia Ora Helen Its Zoe from room 24!
    I like your post on Native birds.
    My favourite parts is that you put in the owl picture.
    I have two facts for you ...
    If an animal sleeps at day and is awake at night its called nocturnal.
    Also the Maori name for Morpork is Ruru. ( Morpork is an Owl)
    What is your favourite native bird?
    If you like check out my blog at
    Thank you for sharing your learning with me.
    Blog Ya Later Zoe

  2. Hi Helen, my name is Neena from room 24!
    I like your post about native birds.
    I like the information you put in about the owl.
    I also like the owl picture.
    Blog ya later

  3. Hi Helen my name is Tahana and I go to Otaki School.
    I like your post about the owls. That they could see in the dark.
    I liked the way you said that the owls could see in the dark and could see every movement.
    I have never seen a owl in my life and I believe that they could turn their heads any direction.


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